Digital Art
When I am not working on branding projects, I enjoy working on digitally-based intermedia projects that combine graphic design, photography, video, and audio.
Most of the designs below are from school or personal projects, however if you are interested in a similar project, please contact me!M
Colorado State Crew Posters
A collection of collages using photos from my fall semester with Crew at CSU!

Exquisite Scans + Snaps
This project required me to create a series of collages based on a collection of scans and photographs taken in class.

As Light / As Air
The fast pace of daily life is consuming. We move, change, and consume too quickly which is exhausting and in and of itself destructive. Our rapid pace inhibits our ability to reflect on daily occurrences and to stop and appreciate our surroundings. Time moves too quickly simply because we cannot slow down.
While I draw a great deal of inspiration from the outdoors, the pace of everyday life often makes it difficult to engage directly with my surroundings in real time. Whether hiking, camping, or (in the case of this project) simply stopped at a pullout on the side of the road, I try to stop to consider the world around me; just sit and be a part of the greater landscape. I take time to look at all of the different aspects that make our land so great, from the way that the light shifts between the mountains to the smallest details of the patterns in the gravel of a trail.
This piece means to reflect the importance of a pause in our fast paced lives, encouraging our brains to process a visual and auditory version of the world around us slowly. Allow the work to consume you. TIME IS A PRECIOUS MATERIAL.
French-Inspired Posters
A triptych of french-inspired posters for my sister.